Best Antonio Banderas Movies

Malaga-born Antonio Banderas is one of Spain’s most beloved actors and is internationally known for his part playing Zorro, and his countless awards, including a very sought-after Oscar win. Antonio has been in the acting game for over 30 years and since has worked on his ability to work on a huge variety of genres and styles of cinema. We have hand picked 5 of the best Antonio Banderas movies for you to either rewatch and enjoy all over again or fall in love with them for the first time. Stay tuned!

Movie #1: The Mask of Zorro (1998)

The Mask of Zorro Poster

It would feel incorrect to kick off our list of Antonio Banderas movies with any other film other than The Mask of Zorro considering the sheer excellence Antonio brought to the main role. This classic tells the story of Don De la Vega who is out to get revenge for his wife’s murder once he is released from prison after being locked up for 20 years. During his journey for vengeance, he also has to search for his daughter, meaning he will need an extra pair of helping hands. He trains up a drunk, Alejandro Murrieta, to be his successor but he has his sights set on something else.

Watch The Mask of Zorro on Prime Video

Movie #2: Desperado (1995)

Desperado Poster

Looking for an action western flick with a bit of everything? Desperado has it all, from comedy to classic gun fights and ultimate face-offs, you won’t be disappointed with this one. Antonio Banderas plays the role of El Mariachi who is a great musician but has goals of his own. He has replaced his instruments with guns in his guitar case with the aim of getting back at his lover’s murderer. This movie is beautifully crafted and for many, remains a movie that sticks with them for a long time.

Watch Desperado on Prime Video

Movie #3: Pain and Glory (2019)

Pain and Glory Poster

With a rating of 96%, Pain and Glory is a masterpiece filled with melancholy and lacerating self-examination. This Spanish drama tells the story of Salvador Mallo, played by Antonio Banderas, who is faced with his life choices as he reflects on mistakes made in his past. In the meantime, the present moment comes crashing down but he finds solace by recreating his childhood’s most cherished moments on a camera reel. This movie will most definitely catch you in the feels, but also provides that feel good factor we all know and love.

Watch Pain and Glory on Prime Video

Movie #4: Spy Kids (2001)

Spy Kids Poster

Although this is technically a kids’ movie, the director of this film, Robert Rodriguez, is known for his adult output in cinemaography but Spy Kids is one of the best Antonio Banderas movies that all of the family can enjoy. This time Antonio Banderas is blessing our screens as a superspy who works alongside his wife. The couple initially kept their jobs a secret from their kids, but they are soon forced to learn the ropes as they need to set off to save their parents from a mission that didn’t exactly go to plan. You can expect lots of firey action scenes in this flick as well as laugh out loud moments. Spy Kids is a movie your kids will appreciate you introduced to them, and if they are left looking for more, they have dive into the the sequels as well as the spin off cartoon series.

Watch Spy Kids on Prime Video

Movie #5: Interview With the Vampire (1994)

Interview with the Vampire Poster

Looking for a thrill? Interview with the Vampire is a thrilling horror with a gothic twist following the story of two vampires over 100 years, we get to witness amazing performances by some of the most loved actors. Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise play the main roles of the two vampires, while you can also expect Christian Slator, and of course, Antonio Banderas a supporting character who meets the two vampires on their journey. There isn’t a dull moment in this movie, so if you are looking for something to keep you on your toes, this may be the one for you!

Watch Interview with the Vampire Poster on Prime Video

There we have it, 5 awesome movies with Antonio Banderas that each offer something unique but utterly enjoyable. Download QEWD today to explore everything from the best historical movies and much much more!


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