6 Best Stephen King Movies You Should Not Miss

For many of us, one word comes to mind when we think of Stephen King, and that word is “horror”! Stephen King is an established American author who is no stranger to going into the depths of his imagination, as well as getting inspiration from real-life events to create stories that rattle his readers. In fact, his stories have become so popular that the demand for his version of horror fiction has landed on the big screen. 

If you are in the mood to bask in the sheer excitement of being afraid, then check out these top 5 best Stephen King movies. 

Movie 1: Carrie (1976)

Carrie (1976) Movie

Based on real-life occurrences from Stephen King’s life, Carrie is a movie that will leave you with an unsettling feeling in your stomach for days. This movie follows the events of Carrie, who is a shy and unpopular teenager who finds herself having to endure bullying at school, as well as abuse from her own mother. All turns sour when the perfect Prom night Carrie had imagined is ruined by her bullies, but Carrie will not let them get away lightly.

Movie 2: Stand by Me (1986)

Stand by Me (1986) Movie

Stand by Me is another timeless classic based on Stephen King’s novels. Although this may not be as gruesome as some of his other work, for many, this is one of the best Stephen King movies and it is easy to see why. Stand by Me follows four young boys who decide to look for the corpse of a teenager who has been killed after being hit by a train. On their journey, the boys discover more about each other on a deeper level and also meet some sketchy, questionable characters on the way that put their lives on the line. 

Movie 3: The Dead Zone (1983)

The Dead Zone (1983) Movie

When Johnny Smith finds out that he has psychic abilities after being in a car accident, his whole world is turned upside down. He is hit with a lot of unsettling facts when he awakens from his coma, but Johnny takes a turn to the dark side when he ponders about killing a popular politician which he believes is for his own good. This movie is considered one of the best Stephen King movie adaptations as it is just as gripping and emotive as the novel. Check out these reviews to see what other movie-lovers thought.

Movie 4: The Shining (1980)

The Shining (1980) Movie

The Shining is a cultural icon when it comes to horror cinematography. This movie was carefully crafted to grip the audience until the bitter end, and that it does. This psychological horror film gives us an insight into the life of Jack Torrance, who has recently moved to a hotel with a troubled past in order to heal his writer’s block. His family is in for a hotel stay from hell as Jack terrorizes them while he discovers the hotel’s disturbing background. The Shining is said to be one of the most unforgettable psychological horror films of all time, and we have Stephen King’s wild and disturbing imagination to thank for such an iconic tale.

Need more The Shining content? Check out these scariest scenes in the movie and discover just why this film will go down in movie history. 

Movie 5: Apt Pupil (1998)

Apt Pupil (1998) Movie

When Todd Bowden, a psychopath teenager becomes obsessed with his older German neighbor who has a Nazi criminal past, he makes him an offer. Todd wants to know the real stories of Nazi Germany, and not just what is presented to him in school books. He decides to blackmail the old man, or else he will turn him in to the authorities. At what cost will Todd discover the untold truths about the Holocaust?

Movie 6: The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

The Shawshank Redemption (1994) Movie

Fans of the Shawshank Redemption love the movie for many reasons, but one stand-out element is Morgan Freeman’s narration which really brings the story alive, and we can’t argue with that! The Shawshank Redemption follows the story of a successful banker, Andy Dufresne, who is sentenced to life at Shawshank prison for murdering his wife. Andy continues to claim his innocence but fails to convince anyone of this due to his strange, and shady demeanor. He is in for a rocky time at this tough prison, but will Andy find solace in such a cold place?


And there we have it, 5 more movies to add to your watchlist for those Saturday night movie sessions. We recommended grabbing a friend who enjoys horror to watch these best Stephen King movies with, as they are not for the faint-hearted!

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